You will need to source a program that will allow you to change 'skadvtest' to your race name. bat file (short for batch) is Windows only, and will not work for Linux and Mac users. Now double click on the file called ADVANCED_RACE_TEMPLATE_EASY_SETUP.bat Then change the name to BASIC_RACE_TEMPLATE_EASY_SETUP.bat To turn the ADVANCED_RACE_TEMPLATE_EASY_SETUP.txt into a bat file open it up in your word editor, go Save As, then Save As Type, change that to All Files. To extract this file you will need 7zip [its free, open source and can open many different compressed files.Īfter extraction, place the folder in your 'mods' folder, that is located in your 'Starbound' folder. This format compresses the file to a smaller size than standard. Once you have downloaded it from the website of your choice you will notice its in. For the purpose of this guide, I will stick to using the advanced template throughout.